Frans Pannekoek




FP 76-2
Scheepswrak in de baai van Cádiz/Shipwreck in the Bay of Cádiz, 1975
drypoint, 112 × 142 mm
CU, inv. 1994-P.53: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: restos de barco, bahía de Cadiz, Para panqueque a don Carlos VI, 1976, 6)
CU, inv. 1994-P.55: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: bahía de Cadiz fransisco panqueque, 7, 1975, para Don Carlos)
exhibitions: London 1976
literature: Mendez 1976, no. 39; Estrada 1986, no. 24 (as 1976)

Frans Pannekoek
Scheepswrak in de baai van Cádiz, gedateerd 1975
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.53

Frans Pannekoek
Scheepswrak in de baai van Cádiz
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.55

FP 76-3
Granaatappel/Pomegranate, February 1976
drypoint, 70 × 90 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, along left plate mark; at lower centre: del paradiso perdido; and below: (…) FP 75, GRANADA, 12. II 76
Ist state:
CU, inv. 1994-P.64: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: f l pannekoek, (…) new by bought paper, not as good thinner softer more expensive and sold as if it were the same)
IInd state: left plane of pomegranate reworked with drypoint
CU, inv. 1994-P.63: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: 9, to Carlos van Hasselt, by francisco panqueque, 1975)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Mendez 1976, no. 5 (1975; ill.); Schatborn 2011, no. 44
comments: Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): lettering referring to Granada, ‘the lost city of the Arabs.’

Frans Pannekoek
Granaatappel, gedateerd februari 1976
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.64

Frans Pannekoek
Granaatappel, gedateerd februari 1976
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.63

FP 76-4
Zelfportret over de loop van mijn jachtgeweer/Self-Portrait over the Twin Barrels of my Shotgun, March 1976
Etching, drypoint and aquatint, 68 × 78 mm, illegible lettering below upper plate mark; and at upper left corner: Tenerife, III 1976, autoportait
CU, inv. 2011-P.62: with plate tone (signed below the plate, in pencil: f pannekoek)
RP-P-2017-1120-5: with plate tone (signed below the plate, in pencil: f pannekoek)
comments: drawing in pen and brush used for this print of March 1970 made in Tenerife, now in Amsterdam (RP-T-2017-8-6).

Frans Pannekoek
Zelfportret over de loop van mijn jachtgeweer
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 2011-P.62

Frans Pannekoek
Zelfportret over de loop van mijn jachtgeweer, maart 1976 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./ RP-P-2017-1120-5

FP 76-5
Zelfportret met monocle/Self-Portrait with Monocle, c. 1975
drypoint, 46 × 36 mm
CU, inv.1994-P.72: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: autoretrato malo del maestro, 3, francisco pannekoek)
comments: Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): is reminiscent of Escher self-portrait.

Frans Pannekoek
Zelfportret met monocle, Zelfportret met monocle, gedateerd 1975, gedateerd 1975
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.72, inv./ 1994-P.72

FP 76-6
Jose Luis Cebada Facing Death, 1976
drypoint, 135 × 130 mm, lettered in the plate, at lower left corner: JOSE LUIS CEBADA, 45 AÑOS, CARCINOMANO DE LARYNGE (…) FACING DEATH
edition: 18
SW (2385j, coll. RW): with light plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Jose Luis Cebada (…) frans pannekoek 0/15; and at margin: 0)
CU, inv. 1994-P.106: with light plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: mehor presion para Carlos frans pannekoek, 1975, 5/18; and at lower margin: 5 (…) presion)
CU, inv. 1994-P.107: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: (…) Louis Cebada para Carlos No 17/18 frans pannekoek; and at lower margin: 17)
exhibitions: Paris 1979
literature: Pannekoek 1977, p. 39; Estrada 1986, no. 25; Schatborn 2011, p. 16, fig. 13
comments: J.L. Cebada was a patient at the hospital. Here depicted just before his death. He was diagnosed with cancer of the larynx at the age of 45 in 1976. Preparatory study in sketchbook 1973-76 (CU, inv. 1994-T.27).

Frans Pannekoek
Jose Luis Cebada facing death, gedateerd 1976
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.106

Frans Pannekoek
Jose Luis Cebada facing death, gedateerd 1976
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.107

FP 76-8
Zieke Paco/Ill Paco, 1976
drypoint, 97 × 125 mm
edition: 20
Ist state: without signature
CU, inv. 1994-P.108: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Paco nr 30 door frans pannekoek, 1976, 16/20; and at lower margin: 16)
IInd state: lettering added in the plate, at lower left corner: F.P. II 1976
CU, inv. 1994-P.109: with light plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: paco no. 30 door frans pannekoek voor Carlos; and at margin: No 3, 12)
comments: preparatory study in sketchbook 1973-76 (CU, inv. 1994-T.27)

Frans Pannekoek
Zieke Paco, gedateerd 1976
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.108

Frans Pannekoek
Zieke Paco, gedateerd 1976
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.109


FP 77-1
Mede patiënt in ziekenhuis/Fellow Patient in Hospital, 1977
drypoint, 167 × 108 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, at lower left corner; and at lower centre: VISION I
edition: 15
CU, inv. 1994-P.114: with plate tone (signed and dated below the plate: 1977 pannekoek; and at margin: Carlos, 12/11/77 (…) 12)
exhibitions: Paris 1979 (‘José Joaquin Blasquez Nadele dans une maison d’aliénes’, 13/15)
comments: a fellow patient with Down syndrome in the hospital. Preparatory study in pencil, in sketchbook 1973-76 (CU, inv. 1994-T.27).

Frans Pannekoek
Mede patiënt in ziekenhuis, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.114

FP 77-2
De dood van een Auerhaan/The Death of a Capercaillie, June 1977
drypoint, 120 × 175 mm, illegible lettering along upper plate mark
edition: 25
Ist state: first draft, no landscape on the right, one line of illegible lettering
CU, inv. 1994-P.119 (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: frans l pannekoek, prueba 1, 24 VI 1977)
IInd state: bird reworked, forest landscape on the right, second line of illegible lettering
CU, inv. 1994-P.120 (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: proof 2, 28 VI 77, voor Carlos frans pannekoek)
IIIrd state: bird reworked with drypoint, more trees on the right, multiple lines of lettering added: dood van een auerhaan (Piet weet er meer van), VI VII '77 frans pannekoek
CU, inv. 1994-P.124 (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: (…) 6, prueba)
IVth state: lettering added at upper centre: TETRAO UROGALLUS (VIDA) (…) DOOD van een Auerhaan (Piet weet er meer van), VI '77 frans pannekoek
RP-P-2012-117: with little plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Death of a Capercaillie 7-7-77 Frans pannekoek 16/25; and at margin: 16, 7-7-77)
CU, inv.1994-P.122: with little plate tone (inscribed and signed below the plate, in pencil: frans pannekoek, 20/25; and at lower margin: 20)
CU, inv. 1994-P.123: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: frans pannekoek, Death of a Capercaillie, 17/25; and at lower margin: (…) Carlos, 1977?
private coll. CD: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: voor Charles van f.p. pannekoek februari 1978 10, 19/23 ; and at margin: 19)
Vth state: breast capercaillie filled in, illegible lettering along upper plate mark extended
CU, inv. 1994-P.121: with light plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Voor Carlos frans pannekoek 1978, 23/25; and at right margin: 23, 12, 7, 1977)
VIth state: impression from the cancelled plate (the plate is cancelled with lettering at centre of plate: WAR ON THE FRONTIERS, W(?) SPREAD IF WE LEAVE, IT TO THEM, NO DOUBT ABOUT HISTORY OF MEN, BURIED OR UNBURIED BONES, SILENCE)
FP 83-Book: 1994-P.344JJ: with plate tone, printed on the same sheet of paper as CU, inv. 1994-P.344GG (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: 5)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Estrada 1986, no. 26 (IV); Schatborn 2011, no. 18 (IV)
comments: preparatory study, dated 3 April 1977, CU, inv. 1994-T-49 (Schatborn 2011, IV)

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan, gedateerd 24 juni 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.119

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan, gedateerd 28 juni 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.120

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan, gedateerd juni 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.124

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan, juni 1977
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./ RP-P-2012-117

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.122

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.123

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.121

Frans Pannekoek
De dood van een auerhaan
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.344JJ

FP 77-3
Vissersschepen bij Barbate/Fishing Boats near Barbate, 1977/78
drypoint, 113 × 163 mm
edition: 22
CU, inv. 1994-P.115: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: fp, 13; and at lower margin: Carlos, schepen bij Barbate, 13)
CU, inv. 1994-P.116: with little plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: frans pannekoek voor Carlos 1978 AD, 33 Ad state 22 7 ’77)
RP-P-2012-117: with little plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: schepen f pannekoek, 9/22; and at right margin: 9, 15-7-77)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Schatborn 2011, no. 34 (CU, inv. 1994-P.115)
comments: a pencil drawing of this image in sketchbook 1977* (CU, inv. nr. 2000-T.33)

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersschepen bij Barbate, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.115

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersschepen bij Barbate, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.116

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersschepen bij Barbate, 1977-1978
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./ RP-P-2012-117

FP 77-4
Piet z’n plas/Piet, His Pond, 1977
drypoint, 165 × 117 mm, lettered in the plate, at bottom centre: Piet z'n plas; and at lower right corner: 6 7 77
edition: 26
Ist state: without bird in the sky
CU, inv. 1994-P.118: with light plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Piet z'n plas, frans pannekoek, proef 3; and at lower margin: Carlos, 3 proof, 2 77)
SW (2385h, coll. RW): with light plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: frans pannekoek 7/26; and at margin: 7)
IInd state: with bird
CU, inv. 1994-P.117: with plate tone (signed and dated below the plate, in pencil: 'rans pannekoek, 1978; inscribed at margin: Carlos e.v., 26 prueba)
exhibitions: Paris 1979
literature: Estrada 1986, no. 27 (II)
comments: Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): Piet Winkelaar lived beside the pond near Amsterdam. Pannekoek and Charles Donker skated together on it when it was frozen in 1979. Sketchbook 1973 (CU, inv. 1994-T.27): zonnetje komt op boven Piets plas in Vreeland, c. 10-20 nov 1973.

Frans Pannekoek
Piet z’n plas, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.118

Frans Pannekoek
Piet z’n plas, gedateerd 1977
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.117


FP 78-1
John Q Morrison Fighting the Windmill, 1978
drypoint, 155 × 120 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper centre: John Q Morrison fighting the Windmill, SUPINE at VEJER
CU, inv. 2011-P.91: with light plate tone (signed below the plate, in pencil: f pannekoek; and inscribed at lower margin: 6 11 I 78)
comments: note in Pannekoek’s Sketchbook 1973 (CU, inv. 1994-T. 27): 29 January 1978: about the half-finished print John Q Morrison fighting.
comments: the American John Q. Morrison was one of the founders of the Flying School in Paragualos del Jarama in the 70’s, together with Stuart (see FP 75-1, 4) and two other Spanish men.

Frans Pannekoek
John Q Morrison fighting the Windmill
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 2011-P.91

FP 78-2
Frans Pannekoek en Jan Willem van Erven Dorens op weg naar Delft/Frans Pannekoek and Jan Willem van Erven Dorens on the Way to Delft, 1978
drypoint, 128 × 178 mm, lettered in the plate, at lower left corner: THE WAY (…) 197(?) (…) FP + JWED
edition: 20
Ist state:
CU, inv. 1994-P.113: with plate tone (signed and dated below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1978; inscribed at lower margin: Vlieway, 9, no me gusta toda vida la inprenta no sale aljo mas seco papel)
IInd state: impression from the cancelled plate (the plate is cancelled with illegible inscriptions in mirror writing and rotated 90 degrees)
FP 83-Book: CU, inv. 1994-P.344H: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: 8)
exhibitions: Paris 1979
comments: Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): the ice skaters are on their way to a fantasy city, air drops of food in the background. Pannekoek skated from Loosdrecht towards Boskoop and Jan Willem towards Delft. Note in Pannekoek’s Sketchbook 1973 (CU, inv. 1994-T. 27): 8 March 1978: the skater: this is Donker.

Frans Pannekoek
Frans Pannekoek en Jan Willem van Erven Dorens op weg naar Delft, gedateerd 1978
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.113

Frans Pannekoek
Frans Pannekoek en Jan Willem van Erven Dorens op weg naar Delft
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.344H


FP 79-1
Tonijn vissersboten op het droge/Tuna Fishing Boats on Dry Land, December 1979
drypoint. 131 × 173 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper centre: BARBATE 2(?) 12 1979
edition: 12
Ist state:
CU, inv. 1994-P.134: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: 2/12 pannekoek 1980; and at lower margin: Chispa menos pressure, 2, menos húmedo con un papel en medio)
IInd state: lettering at upper centre extended: pour CHARLES (…) (added to BARBATE 2(?) 12 1979)
CU, inv. 2017-P.30: with plate tone (inscribed at margin, in pencil: epreuve 1, 9 (onder?) vilt met blad papier)
IIIrd state: addition of a tuna fishing boat in the foreground; lettering at upper centre extended: to live = to burn)
CU, inv. 1994-P.125: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1980, 9/12; and at lower margin: 12)
RP-P-2017-1120-6: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannnekoek 1980, 10/12; and at lower margin: 10)
IVth state: impression from the cancelled plate (the plate is cancelled with illegible inscriptions in mirror writing)
FP 83-Book: CU, inv. 1994-P.344B: with plate tone, printed on the same sheet of paper as CU inv. 1994-P.344E (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: 2)

Frans Pannekoek
Tonijn vissersboten op het droge, gedateerd december 1979
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.134

Frans Pannekoek
Tonijn vissersboten op het droge
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 2017-P.30

Frans Pannekoek
Tonijn vissersboten op het droge, gedateerd december 1979
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.125

Frans Pannekoek
Tonijn vissersboten op het droge
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./ RP-P-2017-1120-6

Frans Pannekoek
Tonijn vissersboten op het droge
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.344B

FP 79-2
Bol van een papaver/Poppy Pod, 1979
drypoint, 72 × 123 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper centre: PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM (…)
edition: 12
Ist state:
CU, inv. 1994-P.132: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek, 1980, 2/12; and at lower margin: 31 12 1979 2)
RP-P-2017-1120-8: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1980 9/12 ; and at margin: 4)
CU, inv. 1994-P.133: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek, 10/12; and at lower margin: 10, H32 G Not)
IInd state: impression from the cancelled plate (the plate is cancelled with illegible inscriptions in mirror writing and rotated 90 degrees)
FP 83-Book: CU, inv. 1994-P.344D: with plate tone, printed on the same sheet of paper as CU inv. 1994-P.344C (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: 4)

Frans Pannekoek
Bol van een papaver, gedateerd 1979
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.132

Frans Pannekoek
Bol van een papaver, 1979
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./ RP-P-2017-1120-8

Frans Pannekoek
Bol van een papaver, gedateerd 1979
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.133

Frans Pannekoek
Bol van een papaver
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.344D

FP 79-3
Visserschepen met netten/Fishing Boats with Nets, c. 1979
drypoint,100 × 160 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper centre: EL LABRINTO DE LA ALMADRABA
RP-P-2017-1120-9: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: f pannekoek; and at lower margin: 5)
comments: related drawing in Amsterdam (inv. RP-T-2017-8-2), with inscription: Boats caught in net of Almadraba, 24-25 8 1979 fp, with no. 35 in pen.

Frans Pannekoek
Visserschepen met netten, ca. 1979
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./ RP-P-2017-1120-9


FP 80-1
Vissersboten achter een afschutting/Fishing Boats behind a Fence, 1980
drypoint, 72 × 126 mm
edition: 12, later 8
Ist state:
RP-P-2017-1120-10: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannnekoek 7/8; and at margin: 7)
CU, inv. 1994-P.126: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: 1980, pannekoek pour Carlos, 6/18; and at margin: 6)
CU, inv. 1994-P.127: with plate tone, printed in brown ink (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek, 9/18; and at margin: no hace lo que hacen las otras (…) francis!)
IInd state: impression from the cancelled plate (the plate is cancelled with illegible inscriptions in mirror writing)
FP 83-Book: 1994-P.344F: with plate tone, printed on the same sheet of paper as CU, inv. 1994-P.344A (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: 6)
comments: a drawing in pen and brush (CU, inv. 1994-T-58) was used as a preparatory study. Inscription CU, inv. 1994-P.127 refers to the paper and pressure.

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersboten achter een afschutting
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./ RP-P-2017-1120-10

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersboten achter een afschutting, gedateerd 1980
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.126

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersboten achter een afschutting, gedateerd 1980
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.127

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersboten achter een afschutting
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.344F

FP 80-2
Vissersboten met wrak en zeilvlieger/Fishing Boats with Wreck and Hang Glider, c. 1980
drypoint, 69 × 129 mm, illegible lettering in the plate at upper centre; and at lower right corner: fp fec 19(…)
edition: 15
Ist state:
CU, inv. 1994-P.131: with heavy plate tone, printed in dark brown ink (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek, 8/15; and at lower margin: 13/30(?))
CU, inv. 1994-P.130: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek, 13/15; and at lower margin: 13)
SW (2385b, coll. RW): with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: frans pannekoek 5/25; and at margin: 5)
IInd state: impression from the cancelled plate (the plate is cancelled with illegible inscriptions in mirror writing)
FP 83-Book: 1994-P.344E: with plate tone, printed on the same sheet of paper as CU inv. 1994-P.344B (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: 5)

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersboten met wrak en zeilvlieger, gedateersd 1980
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.131

Frans Pannekoek
Vissersboten met wrak en zeilvlieger, gedateerd 1980
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.130

FP 80-3
Berglandschap bij Trafalgar/Mountain Landscape near Trafalgar, c. 1980
drypoint, 80 × 158 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper centre: Desde el faro de Trafalgar; and at bottom left, in cartouche: FP
edition: 8
CU, inv. 1994-P.136: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: for Carlos van H by frans pannekoek, 6/8; and at margin: 6)

Frans Pannekoek
Berglandschap bij Trafalgar, gedateerd 1980
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.136

FP 80-4
De pieren in de haven van Barbate/The Piers in the Port of Barbate, c. 1980
drypoint, 87 × 98 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper centre: BARBATE
Ist state:
CU, inv. 2011-P.79: with little plate tone (signed below the plate, in pencil: f pannekoek; inscribed at lower margin: 5); verso: inscribed at lower left corner, in pencil: LR 31C)
IInd state: impression from the cancelled plate (the plate is cancelled with illegible inscriptions in mirror writing)
FP 83-Book: CU, inv. 1994-P.344N: with plate tone, printed on the same sheet of paper as CU inv. 1994-P.344Q (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: 14)

Frans Pannekoek
De pieren in de haven van Barbate
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 2011-P.79

Frans Pannekoek
De pieren in de haven van Barbate
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.344N