FP 67-1
Landschap/Aarde en water (klein)/Landscape/Earth and Water (Small), February 1967
etching, 60 × 90 mm, illegible mirror writing in the plate, below upper plate mark; and at upper right corner: (…) februari 1967
CU, inv. 1994-P.193: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: pannekoek ± 1967; at upper right corner: II; and at lower left margin, in green ballpoint: 8

Frans Pannekoek
Landschap, aarde en water (klein), gedateerd februari 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.193
FP 67-2
Landschap met een heuvel links/Landscape with a Hill on the Left, 8 February 1967
etching, 75 × 107 mm, illegible mirror writing in the plate, below upper plate mark; and dated: 8 Febr. 1967
CU, inv. 1994-P.213: with plate tone (inscribed, signed and dated below the image, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 te Pingjum)

Frans Pannekoek
Landschap met een heuvel links, gedateerd 8 februari 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.213
FP 67-3
Toren van Babel voor de kust van Harlingen opgericht/Tower of Babel Erected off the Coast of Harlingen, March 1967
etching and aquatint, 55 × 154 mm, illegible mirror writing in the plate, below upper plate mark
CU, inv. 1994-P.209: with plate tone (inscribed at margin, in pencil: 68 pannekoek zie 14 etsen; at right margin: VI; and below, in green pen: 8
exhibitions: Amsterdam 1968 (erected at night); Paris 1970; Paris 1979
literature: Reve 1967, no. 14 (CU impression); Postma 1997, lot 704 (ex coll. Hans Evers (inscribed in pencil: Toren van Babel II voor de kust van Harlingen opgericht fp pannekoek 1965), also in Fokas Holthuis 2018 H)

Frans Pannekoek
Toren van Babel voor de kust van Harlingen opgericht, gedateerd maart 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.209
FP 67-4
De toren van Babel ofwel schip Dankbaarheid/The Tower of Babel or the Ship Gratitude, 1967
etching, 69 × 110 mm, illegible mirror writing in the plate, below upper plate mark
CU, inv. 1994-P.208: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: de toren van Babel ofwel schip Dankbaarheid een frans pannekoek landschap te Pingjum, 7/6 67; at lower right corner, in green pen: 7e; and at upper right corner, in pencil: III)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 1968 (erected in the evening); Paris 1970

Frans Pannekoek
De toren van Babel ofwel schip Dankbaarheid, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.208
FP 67-5
Rotslandschap/Rocky Landscape, 1967
etching and aquatint, 109 × 164 mm (irregular plate marks), illegible mirror writing in the plate, below upper plate mark
CU, inv. 2011-P.69: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Pannekoek 1967 Pingjum)
CU, inv. 2011-P.60: different plate mark measurements (109 × 159 mm), with plate tone (signed below the plate, in pencil: f. pannekoek)
RP-P-2011-143: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 te pingjum)

Frans Pannekoek
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2011-P.69

Frans Pannekoek
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2011-P.60

Frans Pannekoek
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2011-143
FP 67-6
Berglandschap/Mountain Landscape, 1967
etching and aquatint, 73 × 117 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, below upper plate mark
CU, inv. 1994-P.220: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 te Pingjum)

Frans Pannekoek
Berglandschap, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.220
FP 67-7
Vlakte tussen twee bergketens/Plain between Two Mountain Ranges, 1967
etching, 70 × 103 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, below upper plate mark; and dated below: 1967
CU, inv. 1994-P.225: with plate tone (inscribed at right margin, in pencil: frans pannekoek, 1967; at upper right corner: IV; and at lower left corner, in green pen: 8)
CU, inv. 1994-P.226: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Pannekoek 1967 Pingjum)
literature: Estrada 1986, no. 7
comments: this print is the result of a trip through Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Hungary, etching made in Pingjum.

Frans Pannekoek
Vlakte tussen twee bergketens, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.225

Frans Pannekoek
Vlakte tussen twee bergketens, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.226
FP 67-8
Zwitsers landschap/Swiss Landscape, 1967
etching and aquatint, 60 × 88 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, below upper plate mark
CU, inv. 1994-P.219: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: zwitserlandschap, fp 1967)
CU, inv. 1994-P.229: with plate tone, negative impression obtained by inking the plate but not the etched lines, resulting in a nocturnal scene with the etching lines left blank (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 pingjum)
CU, inv. 1994-P.230: with plate tone, impression printed in negative, obtained by inking the plate but not the etched lines, resulting in a nocturnal scene with the etching lines left blank (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 pingjum; and at right margin: impression from zwitserland from pannekoek)

Frans Pannekoek
Zwitsers landschap, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.219

Frans Pannekoek
Zwitsers landschap
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.229

Frans Pannekoek
Zwitsers landschap
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.230
FP 67-9
Een Zuid-Frans rotslandschap/A Rocky Landscape in the South of France, February 1967
etching and aquatint, 76 × 105 mm, illegible mirror writing in the plate
edition: 12
CU, inv. 2018-P.95 (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: een zuid frans rotslandschap (gemaakt in?) mei 1966 druk 6/12 februari 1967; and at margin, in pencil: 6
exhibitions: Paris 1970

Frans Pannekoek
Een Zuid-Frans rotslandschap
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2018-P.95
FP 67-10
Duinlandschap/Dune Landscape, 1967
etching and aquatint, 73 × 100 mm, lettered in the plate, below upper plate mark
RP-P-2011-141: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 pingjum; and at upper left corner: IV)

Frans Pannekoek
Duinlandschap, 1967 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2011-141
FP 67-12
Dode spitsmuis/Dead Shrew, September 1967
drypoint and aquatint, 42 × 72 mm, lettered in the plate, below upper plate mark: voor het (…) of zijt (…) weet ? een spitsmuis, f pannekoek, (…) moet hij zijn, (…) dood stil moet hij zijn (…) september 1967
Ist state:
CU, inv. 1994-P.203: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: pannekoek 19?; and at upper right corner: VI)
FK (Sale B. Kuyper, 28 November 2019: 71/4275 (Provenance: the estate of Fritzi Harmsen van der Beek): with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: aan (…) van der Beek van Frans Pannekoek (…) proef sept 1967)
SW (702, coll. RW): collection mark: initials J.S. (Jan Schook), verso (L.5867): with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Pannekoek 67 pingjum)
IInd state: aquatint added
CU, inv. 1994-P.204: with plate tone, printed in black and red ink (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: f pannekoek; and at upper right corner: VII)
BM, P & D, inv. 2011.7045.2: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Pannekoek 67 pingjum)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 1968; Paris 1970

Frans Pannekoek
Dode spitsmuis, gedateerd 1962
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.203

Frans Pannekoek
Dode spitsmuis, gedateerd 1962
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.204
FP 67-13
Dode mol/Dead Mole, 4 July 1967
drypoint, 55 × 89 mm, illegible surrounding script in the plate
edition: 19
Ist state:
SM, inv. A 2551 (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Dode mol voor de heer Siedenburg, 2/4, februari 1967 van Frans Pannekoek)
IInd state: lettering added at lower centre: dood en mollig, 4 juli 1967
CU, inv. 2018-P.97: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: voor Willem van Albada voor het zomer paleis van bul. 22/7/1967)
CU, inv. 1994-P.293: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek's dode mol pingjum 1967 15/19)
RP-P-2013-5-8: with plate tone (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: eso es lino (…); and: 2)
exhibitions: Paris 1970; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Reve 1967, pl. 12; Mendez 1976, no. 11; Filedt Kok 2010, p. 147; Schatborn 2011, no. 11
comments: the artist considers this to be one of his most important works from the period (letter to J.P. Filedt Kok, 17 November 2009). Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): inv. 1994-P.293 is part of a second series, as can be seen from the marks in the plate: just a few perfect ones, the rest largely reworked.

Frans Pannekoek
Dode mol
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2018-P.97

Frans Pannekoek
Dode mol
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.293

Frans Pannekoek
Dode mol, 4 juli 1967 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2013-5-8
FP 67-14
Resten van een vogel/Remains of a Bird, 5 August 1967
drypoint, 54 × 76 mm, illegible lettering below upper plate mark; and at lower right corner: pannekoek 5 augustus 1967
CU, inv. 1994-P.234: with plate tone (inscribed, signed and dated below the plate, in pencil: resten van vogel pannekoek 1967; and at lower right corner: 3/2)
BM, P & D, inv. 2011,7045.3: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: resten van een vogel, pannekoek 1967; and at margin: ½)
exhibitions: Paris 1970
literature: van Lennep 1967
comments: lettered with a poem by François Villon (1431-1463), from Le débat du coeur et du corps de Villon. François Villon, Oeuvres complètes, trans. Jacqueline Cerquiglini-Toulet (Paris, Gallimard, 2014), p. 223.

Frans Pannekoek
Resten van een vogel
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.234
FP 67-15
Twee spinnen, Après l’amour/Two Spiders, After Lovemaking, September 1967
drypoint, 24 × 34 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper centre: après l'amour; and at lower right corner: fp december 1964
CU, inv. 1994-P.222: with plate tone (inscribed at lower right corner, in purple pencil: sept 1967 6/0 pannekoek, apres l'amour; and at upper left corner, in pencil: II)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 1968

Frans Pannekoek
Twee spinnen, Après lamour, gedateerd september 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.222
FP 67-16
Spin/Spider, September 1967
drypoint, 36 × 25 mm, dated in the plate, at upper centre: 1965
edition: 8
CU, inv. 1994-P.223: with plate tone (inscribed at margin, in purple pencil: pannekoek september, spin 7/8; and in pencil: VII)
comments: Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): the spider wraps up the past between its hind legs.

Frans Pannekoek
Spin, gedateerd september 1965
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.223
FP 67-17
Oefening: tak met ontluikend blad/Exercise: Branch with Emerging Leaf, c. 1967
etching, 54 × 36 mm, lettered in the plate, at upper left corner: (…) is fake
CU, inv. 1994-P.231 (inscribed and signed at lower margin, in pencil: oefening f.p.; and at upper margin: IV)

Frans Pannekoek
Oefening: tak met ontluikend blad
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.231
FP 67-18
Letter I als initiaal voor boek Veertien etsen/Letter I as the Initial Letter for the Book Veertien etsen, 1967
etching, 42 × 34 mm, lettered in the plate, at centre: (I)n v(I)no Ver(I)tas
CU, inv. 1994-P.232: with plate tone (signed and dated below the plate, in pencil: frans pannekoek 1967; inscribed at lower margin: letter als initiaal voor boek veertien etsen; and in upper right corner: X)
comments: not used in the published book.

Frans Pannekoek
Letter I als initiaal voor boek Veertien etsen
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.232
FP 67-21
Klooster van Santes Creus/Monastery of Santes Creus, August 1967
etching, 106 × 138 mm, lettered in the plate, at lower left corner: CEMENTERIO
edition: 20
CU, inv. 1994-P.205: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Monasterio de Santos Creus (Spain) by Frans lodewijk pannekoek 5/20 aug. 1967; with stamp in upper right corner, in red ink: Frans Pannekoek (followed by two Chinese characters); and below in pencil: no 13)
CU, inv. 1994-P.206: with plate tone, hand-coloured with brush in bluish-grey (inscribed at lower margin, in pencil: Santas Creus frans pannekoek te Valls 1967; at upper right corner: II; and at upper left corner, in green pen: 9)
exhibitions: Paris 1970; London 1976; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Mendez 1976, no. 29; Schatborn 2011, no. 7
comments: the Cistercian monastery, north of Tarragona, dates from the 12th century. Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): the stamp in orange ink came from China and was given to the artist by Eddy van Kan.

Frans Pannekoek
Klooster van Santes Creus, gedateerd augustus 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.205

Frans Pannekoek
Klooster van Santes Creus, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.206
FP 67-22
Gezicht op Tarragona/View of Tarragona, September 1967
drypoint, 77 × 125 mm, illegible mirror writing in the plate below upper plate mark; and at centre: TARRAGONA
CU, inv. 2017-P.19: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: gezigt op Tarragona pannekoek 1967; and at margin, in pencil: 35, 88, 123, 45, 168), collection mark: initials J.S. (Jan Schook), verso (L.5867)
RP-P-2011-147: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: gezigt op Tarragona 1967 Pannekoek)
HGM, P. 186-1973: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Pannekoek gezigt op Tarragona 1967)

Frans Pannekoek
Gezicht op Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2017-P.19

Frans Pannekoek
Gezicht op Tarragona, september 1967 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2011-147
FP 67-22A
Gezicht op Tarragona II/View of Tarragona II, October/November 1967
etching, 76 × 155 mm, illegible lettering below upper plate mark, in mirror writing; and below in drypoint: OKTOBER 26-31/ NOV. 2 1967
edition: 50 (luxury edition Reve 1967)
RM Library (334 G 4): deluxe edition of Reve 1967, no. 40, with impression with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: gesigt op Tarragona door frans pannekoek November 1967, 40/50)
private coll.: Fokas Holthuis 2017
FP 67-23
Ingestorte brug bij Valls/Collapsed Bridge near Valls, November 1967
etching and aquatint, 110 × 198 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, below upper plate mark, in mirror writing; and at upper right: (…) 23, 24, 24, 24 november 1967, Ruine op deze rookende puinhoop waarop wij geboren worden en zullen moeten sterven
CU, inv. 1994-P.197: with plate tone (inscribed at upper centre, in pencil: f pannekoek voor Carlos, 1967 te Valls, III; and at upper left corner, in green pen: 9)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 1968; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Schatborn 2011, no. 6
comments: there is only one impression of this plate, the other two or three are lost.

Frans Pannekoek
Ingestorte brug bij Valls, gedateerd november 1976
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.197
FP 67-24
Ruïne te Valls/Ruin at Valls, 1967
etching and aquatint, 108 × 200 mm (irregular plate marks), illegible lettering in the plate, below upper plate mark; and dated: 1967
CU, inv. 1994-P.195: with plate tone (inscribed at lower right corner, in pencil: Valls 1967 (…) pannekoek voor Carlos; and at upper left corner, in green pen: 9)
CU, inv. 1994-P.196: with plate tone, printed with little ink (inscribed at lower right corner, in pencil: 1967 misachtige druk frans pannekoek)
BM P & D, inv. 2011.7045.4: with plate tone (inscribed at margin, initials in pencil: FP)
RP-P-2011-148: hand-coloured with brush in grey (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Pannekoek 1967 Valls Espagna)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Schatborn 2011, no. 5 (inv. 1994-P,195); Filedt Kok 2011, p. 458, fig. 276
comments: it is striking that the upper plate mark of the zinc plate appears to have been severely damaged by the acid.

Frans Pannekoek
Ruïne te Valls, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.195

Frans Pannekoek
Ruïne te Valls, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.196

Frans Pannekoek
Ruïne te Valls, 1967 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2011-148
FP 67-25
Muur van de kerk te Alcover/Wall of the Church in Alcover, 1967
etching and aquatint, 182 × 94 mm
CU, inv. 1994-P.198: with plate tone (inscribed at right margin, in pencil: voor Carlos ± 1969 Frans P, authentiek, Valls; at upper margin, in green ballpoint: 9; and below, in pencil: IV)
RP-P-2011-149: (with stamp in orange ink, at upper right margin: Frans Pannekoek (followed by two Chinese characters: his symbolic name in mandarin Chinese); and in pencil: 18; inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Church of Alcover Tarragona frans l. pannekoek sept. 1967)
exhibitions: Paris 1970; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Estrada 1986, no. 8; Schatborn 2011, p. 11, fig. 4

Frans Pannekoek
Muur van de kerk te Alcover, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.198

Frans Pannekoek
Muur van de kerk te Alcover, 1967 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2011-149
FP 67-26
Libelle/Dragonfly, 1967
drypoint, 88 × 63 mm, illegible lettering in the plate at upper centre; and at lower centre: als nerfjes van vroeger F.L. Pannekoek fecit, (…)
CU, inv. 1994-P.207: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 Valls)
RP-P-2017-1120-7: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 Valls; and at upper right corner of margin: XI)
exhibitions: Paris 1970; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Schatborn 2011: pp. 11, 23, note 15 (not illustrated)

Frans Pannekoek
Libelle, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.207

Frans Pannekoek
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2017-1120-7
FP 67-27
Een vleermuis uit Valls: Ratapanada/A Bat from Valls: Ratapanada, 1967
drypoint, 81 × 127 mm, illegible lettering in the plate at upper centre; and at lower centre partially illegible, except: Ratapanada
CU, inv. 1994-P.224: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: pannekoek 1967 Valls España Tarragona)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 1968
comments: with the artist’s self-portrait at bottom left. Ratapanada is Catalan for long-eared bat.

Frans Pannekoek
Een vleermuis uit Valls: Ratapanada, gedateerd 1967
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.224
FP 68-1
Oude eik bij Valls/Old Oak Tree near Valls, c. 1968
etching and aquatint, 114 × 165 mm
CU, inv. 1994-P.233: with plate tone, printed in dark-brown ink (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Valls (…) Frans Pannekoek ± 1968)
exhibitions: Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Schatborn 2011, no. 8
comments: printed in old English ink. The composition is reminiscent of the landscape with the oak by Hercules Segers, c. 1620 (S. 40; HB 28) in which the tree, somewhat smaller, is also depicted in the centre of the image.

Frans Pannekoek
Oude eik bij Valls
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.233
FP 68-2
Amandelboom bij Valls/Almond Tree at Valls, 1967
etching, 80 × 184 mm, lettered in the plate, below upper plate mark, partially in mirror writing: 1967 8 (…) IL FAUR MOURIR (…)
RP-P-2011-146: with plate tone
CD: with plate tone
exhibitions: Paris 1970; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Filedt Kok 2010, p. 149; Schatborn 2011, p. 21, fig. 19
comments: the print was a source of inspiration for etchings that Charles Donker made in France in the spring of 1971 (see De Jongh and Schatborn 2002, p. 22, fig. 23; CD 72-13).

Frans Pannekoek
Amandelboom bij Valls, 1967 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2011-146
FP 68-3
Landschap uit Cataluña/Landscape in Catalonia, c. 1968
etching, 88 × 164 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, below upper plate mark
edition: 1
CU, inv. 1994-P.266: with little plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: landschap uit Cataluña ± 1968 Valls frans pannekoek 1/1 voor Carlos)
exhibitions: Paris 1970

Frans Pannekoek
Landschap uit Cataluña
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.266
FP 68-4
Berglandschap bij Valls met een kale boom/Mountain Landscape at Valls with a Bare Tree, 1968
etching, 116 × 171 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, below upper plate mark, partially in mirror writing; and: de avond valt het is nu (…) 1968
edition: 15
CU, inv. 1994-P.267: with plate tone, printed in brown ink
CU, inv. 1994-P.268: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: spaans berglandschap bij Valls pannekoek 1969 14/15)
RP-P-2011-150: with plate tone, retouched with a grey wash and a red-brown varnish
exhibitions: Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Mendez 1976, no 29; Pannekoek 1977, p. 33; Estrada 1986, no. 9 (as 1967); Schatborn 1989, pp. 80-81, no. 2; Schatborn 2011, no. 9
comments: the impression of this print in Amsterdam and the impression of FP 68-5 at Custodia (inv. 1994-P.269) were both reworked with a varnish after Pannekoek had also experimented with cheesecloth. Hercules Segers, admired by Frans Pannekoek, also printed some of his plates on fabric.

Frans Pannekoek
Berglandschap bij Valls met een kale boom
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.267

Frans Pannekoek
Berglandschap bij Valls met een kale boom
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.268

Frans Pannekoek
Berglandschap bij Valls met een kale boom, 1968 gedateerd
Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, inv./cat.nr. RP-P-2011-150
FP 68-5
Dal bij Siurana in Catalonië met rechts een hoge rots/Valley at Siurana in Catalonia with a Tall Rock on the Right,
etching, 125 × 164 mm, illegible lettering below upper plate mark, in mirror writing
edition: 3 (later an edition of 18)
CU, inv. 1994-P.269: retouched with blue watercolour and a red-brown varnish (inscribed at lower and right margin, in pencil: 2/3, Pannekoek, Valls, España, ingekleurde ets van 5 drukken, januari 1968)
CU, inv. 1994-P.270: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: 3/18 Siurana where the daughter of the Arab monarch jumped, Valls (Spain) Frans Lodewijk Pannekoek; at upper right corner: no 14; and at upper left corner the artist's stamp in orange ink: Frans Pannekoek (followed by two Chinese characters))
BM, P & D, inv. 2015.7089.1 (donated by JPFK, September 2015): with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: frans pannekoek 1967 1/+-15; and at margin (?) (reproduced in Estrada 1986)HGM, inv. 1973. P. 190: with plate tone (inscribed at left margin, in pencil: 2/1972)
exhibitions: Paris 1970; London 1976; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Mendez 1976, no. 29; Pannekoek 1977, p. 33; Estrada 1986, no. 9 (as 1967); Schatborn 2011, no. 10, 10a
comments: for the varnished impression see inv. 1994-P.269 in the comments on FP 68-4. In the margin of inv. 1994-P.270 Pannekoek mentions the story of the daughter of an Arab, who fell in love with a fisherman from the valley and jumped off this cliff because she was not allowed to marry a Christian.

Frans Pannekoek
Dal bij Siurana in Catalonië met rechts een hoge rots
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.269

Frans Pannekoek
Dal bij Siurana in Catalonië met rechts een hoge rots
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.270
FP 68-6
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona/Rose Window of Tarragona Cathedral, 1968
etching, 224 × 160 mm, illegible lettering in the plate, around outer circle, in mirror writing; and at upper left corner: IN EXELSIS (…)
edition: 13
Ist state:
CU, inv. 1994-P.33: with plate tone, impression in negative, obtained by inking the plate but leaving the etched lines uninked, resulting in a nocturnal view with the etching lines left blank (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Frans Lodewijk Pannekoek aan Carlos van Hasselt Parijs 1971)
CU, inv. 1994-P.34: with plate tone, impression in negative (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: aan mijn vriend Carlos van Hasselt door frans pannekoek 12 stuks)
CU, inv. 1994-P.35: with plate tone, little ink used on the left side (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: aan Carlos van Hasselt door frans pannekoek gemaakt te Valls 1968)
CU, inv. 1994-P.36: with plate tone, printed with little ink (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: aan Carlos van Hasselt kerkraam uit Tarragona f l pannekoek 1968)
CU, inv. 1994-P.41: with plate tone, printed in blue and black ink (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: f.p. aan Carlos van Hasselt kerkraam uit Tarragona ± 1968 gemaakt te Valls 12 stuks)
CU, inv. 1994-P.44: with heavy plate tone (inscribed below the image, in pencil: frans lodewijk pannekoek 1968 te Valls aan Carlos van Hasselt)
IInd state: added indication of bricks around the rose window
CU, inv. 1994-P.37: (irregular borders) with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: aan Carlos van Hasselt door frans pannekoek verkocht te parijs 12 stuks)
CU, inv. 1994-P.38: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: Kerkraam te Tarragona gemaakt te Valls aan Carlos v Hasselt 1968)
CU, inv. 1994-P.39: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: aan Carlos van Hasselt kerkraam Tarragona door frans pannekoek 1968)
CU, inv. 1994-P.40: with heavy plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: hommage a Ramon Ferran de Reus 11 febrero 68 pannekoek)
CU, inv. 1994-P.42: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: 1968 Frans Pannekoek aan Carlos van Hasselt krankzinnige verzamelaar)
CU, inv. 1994-P.43: with heavy plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: aan Carlos van Hasselt 6 December 1971 Frans Pannekoek)
exhibitions: London 1976; Amsterdam 2010; Paris 2011
literature: Mendez 1976, no. 32; Estrada 1986, no. 10; Schatborn 2011, no. 20, 20a

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona, 1968
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.33

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.34

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.35

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.36

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.41

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.44

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.37

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.38

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.39

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.40

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.42

Frans Pannekoek
Roosvenster van de kathedraal van Tarragona
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.43
FP 68-7
Veerboot van Enkhuizen naar Stavoren/Ferry from Enkhuizen to Stavoren,
drypoint, 107 × 179 mm, illegible lettering below upper plate mark, in mirror writing
edition: 12
CU, inv. 1994-P.313: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: de veerboot van Enkhuizen naar Stavoren door fl pannekoek 6/12 1968; and at lower right margin, in pencil: 6)
CU, inv. 2017-P.20: with plate tone (inscribed at margin, in pencil: 12/1/)

Frans Pannekoek
Veerboot van Enkhuizen naar Stavoren
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 1994-P.313

Frans Pannekoek
Veerboot van Enkhuizen naar Stavoren
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2017-P.20
FP 68-8
Fries winterlandschap/Frisian Winter Landscape, 1968
etching, drypoint and aquatint, 104 × 188 mm
Ist state:
CU, inv. 2003-P.106: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: f pannekoek)
IInd state: aquatint added
CU, inv. 2003-P.107: with plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: F Pannekoek; and at lower right corner: 12/21)
IIIrd state: details added
CU, inv. 2011-P.61: with heavy plate tone (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: een fries winterlandschap door frans lodewijk pannekoek 8/0 1968; and at lower margin: Sneeuwlandschap met molen, 53 pag. 3D/85)
literature: Pannekoek 1977, p. 53 (I); Postma 1998, lot 400 (ex coll. Hans Evers (inscribed below the plate, in pencil: F Pannekoek, voor marja voor haar verjaardag van 27 juni 1977))
comments: Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): printed in Conil de la Frontera.

Frans Pannekoek
Fries winterlandschap
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2003-P.106

Frans Pannekoek
Fries winterlandschap
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2003-P.107

Frans Pannekoek
Fries winterlandschap
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2011-P.61
FP 68-9
Zeelandschap met torpedojagers en een toren, Gibraltar/Seascape with Destroyers and a Tower, Gibraltar, December 1968
etching, drypoint and aquatint, 103 × 222 mm, lettered in the plate, at bottom centre, partially in capitals: (…) sixth fleet passing Gibraltar (…) December and 2 Destroyers M 1968 by Frans L. Pannekoek another historical event of danger is present
CU, inv. 2011-P.68 (signed below the plate, in pencil: f pannekoek. Verso, at lower left corner, in pencil: geruild met J.P. Filedt Kok (aangekocht dec. 2009), jan 2011)
comments: Pannekoek (oral comment, December 2017): Charles Grevel, a friend of the artist, sold Bibles and cars to the American fleet.

Frans Pannekoek
Zeelandschap met torpedojagers en een toren, Gibraltar
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2011-P.68
FP 68-10
Zeelandschap met drie schepen voor Conil de la Frontera/Seascape with Three Ships off Conil de la Frontera, 8 December 1968
drypoint, 127 × 205 mm, illegible mirror writing below upper plate mark
CU, inv. 2017-P.21: with plate tone (inscribed at margin, in pencil: 8 december 1968 Conil de la Frontera)

Frans Pannekoek
Zeelandschap met drie schepen voor Conil de la Frontera
Parijs, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./cat.nr. 2017-P.21