Frans Pannekoek – graphic art 1959-2017
In partnership with the Fondation Custodia, Paris, and the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
Compiled by Jan Piet Filedt Kok and Willemijn Stammis
Editor: Ton Geerts
[Latest additions: March 2022]
After the digital publication on the graphic artist Charles Donker (Utrecht 1940), with an oeuvre catalogue running up to 2014, it was only to be expected that a similar digital publication of the prints of his ‘graphic companion’ Frans (Lodewijk) Pannekoek would see the light of day in partnership with the Fondation Custodia in Paris, which houses almost his entire oeuvre in many print variants. In 2010-2011 Peter Schatborn, working with Mària van Berge-Gerbaud, was the first to document this collection in the catalogue of the exhibition Frans Pannekoek – Prenten en tekeningen (Frans Pannekoek – Prints and Drawings), which was held in the Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam and the Institut Néerlandais in Paris. Shortly afterwards, in 2010-2012, Jan Piet Filedt Kok wrote several articles about the artist and his friend Donker, establishing a general catalogue of around 300 works. In 2013 it had already been decided to undertake a collaboration between the Fondation Custodia and the RKD, and the following year a start was made on the digitisation of all Pannekoek’s prints, drawings and sketchbooks. In April 2016 Ger Luijten, in the meantime Director of the Fondation Custodia, and Jan Piet Filedt Kok visited the artist in Algodonales (southern Spain) and secured his agreement to play an active part in cataloguing his graphic oeuvre. From September 2017 to the summer of 2018, during an internship as a research master student at the University of Amsterdam (Prof. Hugo van der Velden), Willemijn Stammis laid the foundations for this RKD Study of the graphic art of Frans Pannekoek. His visit to Paris at the end of 2017 ensured that the compilers’ insight could be checked against Pannekoek’s formidable memory. All the data were then entered into the Custodia database, from which the present catalogue was compiled.

Frans Pannekoek
Eel fisherman at the IJsselmeer
Paris, Fondation Custodia - Collection Frits Lugt, inv./ 1994-P.310
(FP 72-3)
In the first place, our thanks to the Fondation Custodia, starting with Mària van Berge, who was Carlos van Hasselt’s successor from 1994 to 2010, and had previously played a pivotal role during his directorship (1970-1994) in putting together the collection of Pannekoek’s work and its initial cataloguing. It is due to Ger Luijten, the present director, who has continued the collection of Pannekoek’s prints, that this RKD Study of the artist’s entire oeuvre is being published. It will later be supplemented with the drawings, sketchbooks and other documentary material preserved at the Fondation Custodia.
As publisher of the RKD Studies, the RKD (Netherlands Institute for Art History) is responsible for this latest volume in the series. It is thanks to the inclusion of all of Pannekoek’s prints at Custodia and of those in the Rijksmuseum that Pannekoek’s oeuvre is now fully available in digital form. We are grateful to many members of the staff of the Fondation Custodia for their editorial and practical contributions to the project, and more especially to Cécile Tainturier, Rhea Sylvia Blok, Mariska de Jonge, Hans Buijs and Ger Luijten. We are also grateful to the following individuals at the RKD in The Hague: Chris Stolwijk, Ton Geerts, Judith Niessen, Reinier van ´t Zelfde and Kriszti Vákár. Their counterparts at the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam are Taco Dibbits, Jane Turner, Cécile van der Harten, Geert-Jan Koot, Huigen Leeflang, Idelette van Leeuwen, Iris Labeur and Maria Smit, together with Susan Adam and Jolanda Zonderop at the Kunstmuseum in The Hague.
We also owe a debt to Peter Schatborn, Tita Pannekoek, Hugo van der Velden, Elmer Kolfin, Ingeborg Peeperkorn, Geert Postma, Jaco de Groot, Karin de Boer, Charlot Roelofsz, Ruud Wartena, and many other lovers of the prints of Frans Pannekoek.